Saturday, November 12, 2005

Errata for The World Turned Inside Out

Errata for
The World Turned Inside Out: Henry Corbin and Islamic Mysticism

p. 5, 2nd paragraph: “which can reveal the most primordial and concrete images but at the same time hidden” should read: “which can reveal that which is the most primordial and concrete but at the same time hidden”
p. 6, 2nd line: “which Corbin calls” should read “which is inevitably raised by the clash of cultures or of what Corbin calls”
p. 50, last paragraph: “first task is the hermeneutics of itself” should read “first task is the hermeneutics of Dasein itself”
p. 31, 1st paragraph: “does not represent Islam” should read “does not represent ‘Islam’”
p. 46, 1st paragraph: “history of the language, that we use that which has” should read: “history of the language that we use that has”
p. 62, line 4: “The daring of Avicenna and living within” should read “The daring of Avicenna and Suhrawardi living within”
p. 64, line 5: “for a time” should read “for a time
p. 67, last line: “ontological foundation for reality.” should read “ontological foundation for the reality of this world.”
p. 108, n. 62: delete “the biased” and “politically correct”. (These are not the words of the author.)
p. 109, last paragraph: “Esoteric spiritual disciplines have never been given over to the masses in theory.” Should read: “Esoteric spiritual disciplines have never been meant for the masses.”
p. 177, opening quote: delete “Gospel of”.